Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why is someone from a past relationship suddenly on my mind?

A very frequent topic with my clients involves sudden unrelenting thoughts or even dreams about someone from a past relationship.  My clients know that I rarely speak in absolutes, with free will there are none.  However, the predominate majority (90% or more) of callers on this subject fall into two categories.
The first, and most obvious, is that the person is coming back into your life soon.  This could be because one, or both of you, have grown in a way that makes the universe guide them back into your life.
More commonly the reason is because of something I’ve labeled as “the purge.”  The universe is “cleaning house” so to speak and has determined that their memory and energy is no longer needed is your subconscious.  Here’s and analogy that my clients love:
Imagine a house that you’ve lived in for a long time.  Over the years you accumulate things.  I imagine a file box in some corner of the basement with a bunch of papers in it from 5-15 years ago.  You go through that box, one document at a time, to determine if it’s important enough to keep or if it can be discarded.  In that moment of review, you become fully conscious of that document.  Memories and thoughts regarding it are processed consciously.
However, just as quickly, you make the determination  that it is no longer needed and away it goes to the recycling center.  But in that brief moment of review, it was important.  It had your full attention and you were totally attached to it’s energy and what it meant.  In that way, thoughts of people from our past are really just a snapshot as the universe clears them from our energy.  Our ego side wants to grab hold of it and keep it, or the promise of what might be, but energetically, it’s just the universe saying, “my beautiful soul, you don’t need this anymore”.
Love and light,
ps.  If you’re unsure, please schedule a reading and I can help you determine what is happening.  I’d love to visit with you and help you understand the guidance from the universe

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